FMP Proposal: Reducing Preoperational Anxiety
Eindhoven University of Technology, dr. Lisa Aufegger
Industrial Design
Expertise Area's:
Design and Research Processes
Within the proposal, I describe my research proposal for my Final Master Project (FMP) at the Eindhoven University of Technology at the Department of Industrial Design. This project is based within the Future Everyday (FE) research group and is executed within the Constructive Design Research (CDR) track. Within my Masters, I am going to concentrate on the expertise areas of ‘User and Society’ and ‘Math, Data & Computing’. Within this project, I will work together with dr. Lisa Aufegger. Dr. Lisa Aufegger previously completed a study [1] where she co-designed a digital hospital information system with children, parents and clinicians, in order to prepare children undergoing medical treatment. During this project I will focus on designing a digital paediatric hospital information system for children aged 8-12, through co-design. Based on previous research, the use of such an information system has the ability to reduce preoperational anxiety for children as well as their parents.
The proposal title is called 'Reducing Preoperational Anxiety in Children aged 8-12 through the Design of a Digital Paediatric Hospital Information System Through co-design with children' (Deliverable 1) and a defense presentation on the proposal can be found in deliverable 2.
[1] Aufegger, L., Bùi, K.H., Bicknell, C. and Darzi, A. 2020. Designing a paediatric hospital information tool with children, parents, and healthcare staff: a UX study. BMC Paediatrics. 20, 1 (Oct. 2020), 469. DOI: